‘Noah’s Ark’ site in Turkey shows evidence of human activity dating back to biblical era.

You don’t have to be religious to know the famous story of Noah and his ark, where he saved two of every animal during a flood. Noah’s tale is similar to stories from other ancient civilizations that also talk about a worldwide flood caused by gods for various reasons.

 Throughout history, people have discussed and tried to understand the tale of the animals saved from the floods and the man who rescued them. Recently, researchers have discovered a mysterious site in the eastern mountains of Turkey that may be Noah’s Ark, sparking biblical interest.

This discovery made people wonder if the age-old legend would finally be unlocked.

The story of Noah and his ark is widely known across different cultures and is important in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Yet, scientists have continuously struggled to prove its authenticity.

In December 2022, a research project called  Mount Ararat Ararat and Noah’s Ark Research Team, conducted the initial study on a specific location in Turkey. This location, known as the Durupinar formation, has been of great interest since its discovery in 1956. The project was a collaboration between three Turkish and American universities. The Durupinar formation is situated in the  Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı, Turkey.

Examination of rock and soil samples collected from the area indicate they originated around 3500 to 5000 years ago, matching the timeframe of 3000 B.C., which coincides with the biblical story of the Great Flood.

Dr. Faruk Kaya, the Vice Rector of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, stated that while the findings do not prove the ark’s existence, they do indicate human presence in the area from 5500 to 3000 B.C.

Çeçen stated that based on initial research, human activities have likely been present in the region since the Chalcolithic period, around 5500 to 3000 BC.

As written in the Book of Genesis, the ark came to rest in the “mountains of Ararat” following the Great Flood, and this place that scientists link to the tale of Noah’s ark is located less than two miles from the Iran-Turkey border, near the Greater Mount Ararat summit.

The Durupinar formation displays a boat-shaped structure that measures approximately 538 feet in length. This measurement closely matches the description of the ark in  the Bible Bible, which had a length of three hundred cubits, a width of fifty cubits, and a height of thirty cubits.

Some scientists, including Dr. Andrew Snelling, who is a young Earth creationist, think that  Mount Ararat Ararat is not where the ark landed because the mountain was not formed until after the floodwaters receded.

The story of Noah’s Ark is still a subject of discussion among experts. Many believe that it is not a literal account, but rather a historical event that holds important symbolic significance.

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