When Michigan ran upon something that looked like wood while excavating an open field, they were about eight feet below the surface. As per the reports from The Detroit Free Press, the farmers promptly recognized that they had struck just bones instead of wood.

Are They Discussing A Bone Related To DinosAuR? They
contacted the University of Michigan, and the University's Museum of
Paleontology notified Daniel Fisher. Fisher discovered that it was not the
DinosAuR that the farmers had discovered after arriving at the scene. A mammoth
was involved.

Credit: Knowing Daily
Farmers Had To Finish Their Work, So Fisher And His
Coworker Only Had One Day To Find The Mammoth's Skeleton, According To The Free
Press. They found ribs, tusks, vertebrae, and an animal head. Humans who may
have killed the animal to feed themselves may have taken the missing pieces.

Credit: Knowing Daily
According to reports from the Free Press, at least thirty
or more mammoths have been found in the state; Fisher told the paper that one
of them might be a Jeffersonian mammoth, a hybrid that is not quite a Columbian
mammoth nor a woolly mammoth, but it is nonetheless enormous and impressive and
unlike anything you would find in everyday fieldwork.