Levitation was mastered by very ancient civilizations 200,000 years ago – Lost Technology

Please examine the massive monolithic stones closely and persuade me that you have the technology to move them. We can’t even lift all of these massive blocks with today’s modern cranes.

If we can’t lift them, how did ancient civilizations manage to do so?

As Vulcanian Spock must have said, there is only one possible explanation: they had some kind of levitation technology. According to what I’ve learned through many years of research into this topic, the ancients had two methods for lifting those massive stones.

Sound-driven systems were used in the first strategy.

In fact, the
sound is vibration, and you can achieve levitation of objects by surrounding them with a very specific sound of a very specific frequency.

The other strategy focuses on mental fortitude. Have you seen the skulls that are elongated? I’m guessing they have telepathic powers and therefore the power to levitate objects.

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