Scientists Baffled After Analysis of the Ancient Egyptian Mummy of Takabuti

As time and technology advances , Takabuti, the ancient Egyptian mummy on display at the Ulster Museum becomes less of a mystery and more of an ancient artifact that nobody is baffled by anymore.

Thanks to the masssive advance technology, experts have been able to discover even more information from the almost 3000-year-old mummy.

This was the 185th year anniversary of the finding of the ancient Pharaoh mummy back in 1835.

Through dental records, the team uncovered that Takabuti had an extra tooth which only happens in around 0.02% of the population and an extra vertebra which is only present in 2% of the population, statistics these that make Takabuti a very special individual.

By running even more tests, it was found that she was stabbed in the back, a stab directly in her heart, that was the cause of death. Experts say she could have died at age around 20, and probably betrayed by her own men.

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